Investments Aligned with the Pima County Prosperity Initiative

Purpose of the Prosperity Initiative

  1. To establish an evidence-based policy framework to guide long-term efforts to
    strategically address generational poverty, improve individual opportunity, and create
    community wealth, while also tactically addressing the immediate needs of those
    currently experiencing poverty.
  2. To provide implementation direction to the County Administrator’s Office, County
    departments, outside agencies that receive County funding, and County committees and
    commissions on how County services, regulations and expenditures, including grant
    funds, can be more effectively aligned to reduce generational poverty and the costs of

The Treasurer’s Office can establish a team to recommend and initiate investment policy that clearly aligns with the goals of the Prosperity Initiative.

The Prosperity Initiative should be the guideline for discretionary investment choices.

Clean Energy, Union Labor, Diversity in Company Governance. These are some of the criteria to look at in investments.